Monday 14 February 2011

Tuesday Febuary 15th 2011

This lesson, I completed my plan and made sure to include some inferences/analysis. Fortunately there was enough time in the lesson left for me to start my essay. When I was writing my introduction I made sure to include evidence of how the Ancient Chinese Civilisation really did exist. Once I had finished that, I wrote a little bit about the Art and Architecture. One paragraph was devoted to the types of art and another to what the artists were inspired by.

Monday February 14th 2011

This lesson, I mainly focused on my plan as during the previous lesson I had completed all my research on the blue index cards. Fortunately, I managed to finish the planning section for the fields of art and architecture. I made sure to write at least two of the key points of this aspect in each of the three boxes as I did not wish to copy word to word what I had written on the index cards onto the paper as I personally believed that to be a waste of time. In one section, I wrote about the architecture of the Emperor's imperial palace at the Forbidden city. In another, I wrote about the tools the Ancient Chinese utilized when it came to art and what types of art they created. In the last one I depicted how the Ancient Chinese wanted to express the relationship between people and nature using art. This section included information about what things the Chinese were inspired by.

Sunday 13 February 2011

January 1st 2011

This lesson, I focused on reading through books and attempting to find some information relevant to what I was inquiring on. Fortunately one of the books ( Eyewitness Ancient China) had lots of information from which I benefited from. There was a lot of information about the types of clothing the Ancient Chinese people wore and how they differed. I also read about many different forms of arts the Ancient Chinese made. One form of art I was particularly transfixed in was the way the Ancient Chinese people used to celebrate their New Year. I really liked how each year had a certain animal to represent it. For example, I was born in 1998- the year of the rabbit. I quite liked the fireworks which were set off and how dragon kites and puppets were created for celebration.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Thursday February 3rd 2011

This lesson, I worked on some of the final questions I had remaining. Firstly, I worked on the question:
"How were the Emperor's palaces built". It was quite difficult to find this information because for some reason every time I searched for the answers for this question the solution would appear but for the Roman Civilization. Fortunately, after much hunting for information, I found a good source: I found this website efficient because of the fact it was very thorough, it described about where the palace how big it was and also talked about what it was made up of.  After inquiring into that matter, I answered the question: " What styles of education were taught?" I discovered that the jobs men were given, depended on the test marks the boys retrieved in school and nothing else. Because of this all of the Boys worked very very hard at school. Another interesting thing I discovered was that the boys were around about 6 six old when they first entered the school. The boys were taught painting, writing and they were also were taught calligraphy. This information was not too hard to find because of the fact that school was a rather important matter in Ancient China because of the fact that the boy's future depended on it.

From this source: (

Monday 31 January 2011

Tuesday Febuary 1st 2011

This lesson we worked in the classroom. Fortunately, I had my blue folder with me today so I started to write down some of the information I had written the previous lesson about the different types of Punishment in Ancient China. I had gathered enough information the previous lesson to fill a whole card about the punishments for Ancient Chinese children. Of course I also had to compose a question for this card. I simply wrote the question: How were the Ancient Chinese children punished? As I believed that this covered ALL the children in Ancient China and would also include the poor Ancient Chinese children as well as the rich Ancient Chinese children. I was surprised to find out that children did not have much mercy whilst getting punished. One other fact that really shocked me was that girls who insulted their parents were strangled and those who wounded them were cut up into pieces. This source was reliable as next lesson I also will be able to extract information from it about how ALL the Chinese people were punished.

1st lesson

After selecting the Civilization I wanted to inquire on (Ancient China) and gathering 15 questions which were sorted equally into the categories of civilization characteristics. We spent this lesson at the library, utilizing various different books for our research. As there was a rather large area in the library containing books about Ancient China. Each of these books had different information hidden within. I decided to inquire about the Great Wall of China. Reason being that I had some questions based on it and also because of the fact that the Great Wall of China was a well known aspect of Ancient China and still existed. I was fortunate to find a book named eyewitness Ancient China as it had fantastic information about the great wall. However, I was fortunate to find another book which may have been rather thin but still had the main points about the Great Wall of China and helped me a lot more in my research than the previous book had.

Sunday 30 January 2011

Monday January 31st 2011

This is  a short video which briefs you on the silk road

This lesson we had our lesson within the classroom.  I focused on finding out information on the silk road, fortunately, the first time I searched for some information on the silk road. The information I found was very thorough and there were many specific details included. One important aspect I discovered was how the Silk road was used for trading and it was also created so that the Ancient Chinese could trade their silk for other goods with other Asian areas towards the west. Personally, I believe that this website ( was a reliable source and that the information I found was relevant and had most of the information I required about the Silk road.