Monday 14 February 2011

Monday February 14th 2011

This lesson, I mainly focused on my plan as during the previous lesson I had completed all my research on the blue index cards. Fortunately, I managed to finish the planning section for the fields of art and architecture. I made sure to write at least two of the key points of this aspect in each of the three boxes as I did not wish to copy word to word what I had written on the index cards onto the paper as I personally believed that to be a waste of time. In one section, I wrote about the architecture of the Emperor's imperial palace at the Forbidden city. In another, I wrote about the tools the Ancient Chinese utilized when it came to art and what types of art they created. In the last one I depicted how the Ancient Chinese wanted to express the relationship between people and nature using art. This section included information about what things the Chinese were inspired by.

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