Thursday 3 February 2011

Thursday February 3rd 2011

This lesson, I worked on some of the final questions I had remaining. Firstly, I worked on the question:
"How were the Emperor's palaces built". It was quite difficult to find this information because for some reason every time I searched for the answers for this question the solution would appear but for the Roman Civilization. Fortunately, after much hunting for information, I found a good source: I found this website efficient because of the fact it was very thorough, it described about where the palace how big it was and also talked about what it was made up of.  After inquiring into that matter, I answered the question: " What styles of education were taught?" I discovered that the jobs men were given, depended on the test marks the boys retrieved in school and nothing else. Because of this all of the Boys worked very very hard at school. Another interesting thing I discovered was that the boys were around about 6 six old when they first entered the school. The boys were taught painting, writing and they were also were taught calligraphy. This information was not too hard to find because of the fact that school was a rather important matter in Ancient China because of the fact that the boy's future depended on it.

From this source: (

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