Monday 31 January 2011

1st lesson

After selecting the Civilization I wanted to inquire on (Ancient China) and gathering 15 questions which were sorted equally into the categories of civilization characteristics. We spent this lesson at the library, utilizing various different books for our research. As there was a rather large area in the library containing books about Ancient China. Each of these books had different information hidden within. I decided to inquire about the Great Wall of China. Reason being that I had some questions based on it and also because of the fact that the Great Wall of China was a well known aspect of Ancient China and still existed. I was fortunate to find a book named eyewitness Ancient China as it had fantastic information about the great wall. However, I was fortunate to find another book which may have been rather thin but still had the main points about the Great Wall of China and helped me a lot more in my research than the previous book had.

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