Thursday 20 January 2011

Thursday January 20th 2011

House of a rich person

                                            Peasant houses

Once again, we spent this humanities period within the classroom. I wrote up a new question concerning how the poor people's architecture was different to that of the rich. At first, I continually questioned myself whether or not I should place this question under the category of social classes or under the category of Art and Architecture. After much thinking, I decided that I would place it under the category of Art and Architecture because of the fact that it mainly concerned information about housing and architecture rather than the question being focused on Ancient Chinese people.

After that, I looked at the question: What tools did the Ancient Chinese use for their architecture.
I discovered that Bronze and Jade were the two most valued materials utilized for art and architecture. Bronze was used for intricate designs. Another famous quality of Ancient Chinese art was their utilization of silk.

I used this website and Mr Bonnalie's wiki space to answer my questions 

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